
About Me

Let's Get Acquainted

Hi, I'm Zahur! I am really fortunate to live in a beautiful city like Irvine (Orange County, California, USA), to be the proud father of two handsome teenagers, and, over the last 20 years, work for some of the most innovative software companies in the world!

A short bio: I was born in Afghanistan in the 1970s. And due to political unrest and the possibility of war, my parents chose to leave their home in 1979 and head west. Before finally settling in California in the late 80s, our journey took us to Pakistan, Germany, Las Vegas, Virginia. During that journey, I adapted to a new environment every few years, learned and forgot new languages, made and lost many friends, and dealt with issues I was never able to fully grasp and process until adulthood.

I will weave more of my experiences into the posts that I share with you. In the meantime, some other facts about:

In college, I studied Accounting and Computer Science. I also wrote for the campus and local newspapers. I have curiosity for learning about certain topics, like Psychology, Nutrition, and Finance. I do my best to stay fit and eat well, but it's not easy!

My life, like many others, including yours, has come with an incredible amount of adversity. Through my journey, I have learned a lot and I am still learning. I want to use this platform to share with you ideas, products, and strategies that have helped me and can make your life better as well.

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